
Welcome to CaffeineTalk

Caffeinetalk founder and editor

Hi there!

My name is Tom and I’m the founder and editor of CaffeineTalk. I love coffee but that was not always the case…

I remember trying my first sip of black coffee at around the age of 15. It tasted horrible and I couldn’t believe anyone could enjoy it. But, luckily, things changed since then…

How it started

After that faithful day you could certainly say that I’ve acquired the taste of coffee and have been loving it ever since. So much so that over time it has become a somewhat out of hand hobby of me.

I was born and raised in The Netherlands. The 1980’s and early 90’s is when I spent most of my youth. Back then, the country was not known for its great coffee culture. The only coffee in existence in The Netherlands in that era was good ol’ Dutch drip coffee from mostly Arabica beans. The robust taste of the Arabic was most often watered down to a tall cup of tasteless black ‘water’ which could maybe best be characterized as an ‘Americano’, A bad one. The Dutch however, loved it and drank liters of it, including myself.

Throughout the ’90s the coffee culture in The Netherlands grew and so-called ‘fancy coffees’ were super popular. New beans, new grinds, cappuccinos, espressos, lattes and what have you… This is when my interest in coffee was sparked and I started experimenting, tasting and trying different things – to this day.

I’ve dedicated this website to my passion for coffee and here is my way of sharing that with you.

My mission:

Give a balanced, unbiased and engaging review of all things related to coffee. To help my readers enjoy coffee the best way possible.

How I create content

All the content here has been planned and edited by me to ensure we meet the highest quality standards. Apart from writing content myself, I also use a team of freelance writers who share my passion and interest for coffee. However, nothing gets put online without the ‘go-ahead’ from me as the chief editor. This is to make sure that all our content is accurate, unbiased and trustworthy.

We do take pride in our objective approach, especially when it comes to reviewing products and giving recommendations. Wherever possible, we always try to get our hands on the actual product to get a real-life experience. Since this is not always possible, we also rely on extensive online feedback and experiences from real customers as well as our own research.

My team and I also spend a lot of time online and offline, researching coffee, coffee products, recipes, and several related topics. We regularly get, or request, input from enthusiasts or experts in the field like baristas, manufacturers, and specialists.

All in all, I want caffeinetalk.com to be a place you can trust and that is not rigged by brand sponsorship so you can use our information to make the best decisions for yourself.

what’s in it for you?

So why read caffeinetalk.com?

Well, primarily I’d say because you’re interested in coffee in the broadest sense of the word. You love the taste of it, the history, want to learn more about it or discover new tastes, recipes, or products.

We write engaging content with our readers in mind. If you resonate with the following statements, you will enjoy the content you find on this site:

  • You enjoy your favorite drink (coffee) and want to know how to make it even more enjoyable
  • You’re looking to purchase a new coffee maker but aren’t looking for commercial sales pages but for objective reviews from real people and experiences from buyers.
  • You’re interested to read about grinding and roasting your own coffee, making your own cold brew, or generally improving your coffee experience.
  • You are environmentally conscious and want to learn about the best ‘green beans’ and organic coffee to promote a fair supply chain without putting strain on our environment.

If you’re on board with this, I can’t wait to have you read our content. I sincerely hope that our articles are helpful to you. Feel free to reach out to me at any time. I love to get feedback!

Tom Alexander

Founder and Editor of Caffeinetalk.com